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Tushar Jain
Nov 7, 20211 min read
Activity 9: 6 Thinking Hats
Lateral Thinking is when one uses both critical as well as creative thinking to solve a particular task. However, the thinking tool we...
Tushar Jain
Nov 1, 20211 min read
Activity 8: Building a Persona
We had to build a persona by looking at a set of things/ objects owned by someone who is unknown to us. We had to make a character sketch...
Tushar Jain
Oct 15, 20213 min read
Activity 7: Thinking Tools
A tool is a concept or object which allows for effective and efficient work to accomplished. We were introduced to visual organisers, we...
Tushar Jain
Sep 28, 20212 min read
Activity 6: New Possibilities
Finding new possibilities for a given situation is what this week's Think lab was about. We were given an imaginary scenario and we had...
Tushar Jain
Sep 28, 20212 min read
Activity 5: Challenging Assumptions
Assumptions are when we think of something to be sure without any definite proof. Warm-up Activity Listed assumptions we as a class have...
Tushar Jain
Sep 20, 20212 min read
Activity 4: Multiple Perspective
Those who are getting affected by any sort of transaction whether monetary or not are called stakeholders. Stakeholders means viewpoints...
Tushar Jain
Sep 14, 20212 min read
Activity 3: Visual Expression
Introduction A line is an extension of a dot, a line is the foundation and has potential to be anything. A line gets its character when...
Tushar Jain
Aug 31, 20212 min read
Activity 2: Altering Perception (Part2)
The class began with introduction of two words, scale and context. We were shown a few everyday objects that we come across like a...
Tushar Jain
Aug 30, 20211 min read
Activity 1 : Altering Perception
Our mentor introduced us to our topic for today, Altering Perception. Perception is looking at things and observing, sensing, absorbing...
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