Finding new possibilities for a given situation is what this week's Think lab was about. We were given an imaginary scenario and we had to think about how our world would have looked like if that situation was what we lived in and what moving ahead as a race would have looked like. We had to focus on the changes that this situation might bring in our day-to-day tasks.
Main Activity
What if human laid eggs? was the scenario which was given to our group. We were also to make a time schedule for today and allocate the different tasks in order for smooth function of our group and to keep a check on the time limit that had been assigned to us.
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After we made a list of possible changes that would happen, we finalised and came down to the most impactful and major points, each of us picked a couple options and then started sketching them out, that way everyone had something to work on.
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The situations we came down to
- Carrying options like a basket, and backpack egg strap, hoodie with a kangaroo pouch, modern day incubator .
- Size of the egg would increase day by day.
- Colour of the egg shell will slowly reveal the gender - blue for boy and pink for girl and so on and so forth.
- Pokemon Go inspired feature - when parents walk it provides nutrition for the child to grow inside of its shell in the incubator.
- Self healing shell ointment.
- Laying of the egg at the hospital.
- Birth period (Calendar)
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When we got the responsibility for making our own schedule and manage our own time, it made us more efficient as we finished way before the allotted time and effective creative learning took place.
Learning mantra of the day
There might just be a parallel universe out there, you never know what lurks out there beyond what the eyes can see...