Our mentor introduced us to our topic for today, Altering Perception. Perception is looking at things and observing, sensing, absorbing them and registering them. To notice something is to perceive. Perception is the way you look at things.
The first assignment began with our classmates being divided into crews and each crew was assigned a certain shape. We were given a donut aka annulus. An annulus is basically a circle with a circular hole in it.
In the second activity we were to add, subtract, folding or cut basic shapes to come to a specific letter. We got the letter "K". I did two things. folding and cutting. I used to do origami and I thought why not look up the web for ways to make the letter "K" using origami.
What we perceive is more than what our eyes and ears carry to our brain. We see what we see, but what we perceive is a combination of what we see, our past experience, and our particular point of view on a situation.
I got to learn that how we can use our creativity to perceive different things from more than one perspectives. Perception for me refers to the way an individual perceives or understands things.
The most effective way of learning is to observe the people and things around you